Welcome to SAFApply, your ultimate online application management system!
Let's take a quick tour of all the fantastic features that will simplify your application management process.
To get started, just click on the settings icon at the top right-hand corner of the portal. This will display the general configurations bar. On this bar is the list for all the configuration options to customize the portal to fit any preferences for your applicants and for you.
First on the list is the System Settings. Here, you can handpick a theme color, upload your logo, and fine-tune the applicant portal to match your branding and style.
Moving along, we have the Organizational Structure. This feature allows you to create and manage the various hierarchical levels within your organization or school seamlessly.
Next we have the Application Group option. With this, you can easily categorize your applications.
For effective communication, we offer the Template option. This allows you to create email templates, ensuring that your applicants stay informed every step of the way. You can also craft document templates, such as award letters.
Next, we have the Workflow Process Configuration. This is where you have the power to customize how you'd like to handle and process your applicants efficiently.
On the left hand side of the portal you can access a dashboard, which gives you a detailed overview report on your applications and finances from applications. You can also download these reports or have them sent via emails as an instant message or a scheduled report.
SAFApply allows you to create applications, customize application forms, process your applicants.
You can also navigate seamlessly to the applicant site by clicking on the “Go to applicant site” button at the top right-hand side of the portal.
Admissions’ requires process and control. So we have built a powerful yet easy-to-use solution that keeps your team efficient and informed, every step of the way.
With SAFApply, searching applications and processing has never been easier. Irrespective of the peculiarity of your business. either you need to recruit or conduct school admissions, SAFapply is just perfect for you! You can process applicants to every step at the comfort of your space.
With these easy-to-use features, SAFApply is all about giving you the flexibility and control you need to create the perfect application management experience.